Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Traveling Diaries No.15

"Art History Inspirations"
by Angelic Roman

In addition to the four hour Italian language class every day the CCSF Study Abroad program offers a course in Renaissance Art History, which has been a glorified tour of Florentine beauty. There is inspiration to be taken everywhere and I can't help but relate all of the paintings tot the Fashion History course I took last year. Blame it on the fashion student part of me, but I'm always looking at what everyone from the works of  Giotto to Fra Angelico. Today we got to vista a church that exhibited more Baroque than Renaissance. I must sheepishly admit that I prefer Barroque art, so visiting Santissima Annunziata was a special delight for me.

I loved the patterns depicted on these noblemen in a mural.

After visiting the church we got a chance to walk around town and its funny how after you see art history you can look at modern life in a different way. This is the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo with their beautiful stalls rich with color and texture. Via Calimala is full of shops to please a window-shopper and if you continue walking down (the street changes to Via Roma) you can get a peak at Luis Via Roma and their artful displays.

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